Tuesday, May 6, 2014


The King of New York (1990)

Rated R

106 Minutes

Directed by Abel Ferrara (Bad Lieutenant, The Funeral, The Addiction)

Budget - Peanuts

Box Office - $2,544,476

Reasons that it's a Frank Movie:

1.  Cultural Impact.

Not Tony Montana, not Nino Brown, not Walter White.  None of them inspired The Notorious B.I.G. the way that Christopher Walken did.  BIG called himself "the black Frank White".  There's a reason for that.


"A nickel bag gets sold in the park... I want in."  Great line.


The impact is evident in the lyrics of B.I.G.


"The Underboss of this holocaust, truly yours... Frank White."

2.  Jimmy Jump.
Not Morpheus, Not Furious Styles, Not Bumpy Rhodes, Not Voodoo, Not even Cowboy Curtis.  All great roles for Larry Fishburne - none of them as definitive as Jimmy Jump.
There's a rumor that a prequel is in the works, with Jay-Z cast as Jimmy.  Big, big shoes to fill...
3.  Caruso + Snipes.
David Caruso and Wesley Snipes were real life best friends before filming.  Their chemistry is unbelievable.  The cops that you love to hate.
Roger Ebert wasn't impressed, but had a fair review:
Runner-up:  King Kong (1976)
Directed by Dino de Laurentis
Reasons that it's a Frank Movie:
1.  It's not that Peter Jackson piece of crap.  My generation's version of the film is continuously panned, and Peter Jackson found it necessary to try and remake the 1933 original.  Neither one of those top mine.  This was one of the first films that I saw in the theatre, and for a 6 year old boy, it was breathtaking.  I still feel that every time I see it.
Kong vs The Snake was terrifying:
2.  Give me a young Jessica Lange over Fay Wray or Naomi Watts any day.
Honorable Mentions:  Knocked Up (2007), Kick-Ass (2010), Knight & Day (2010)



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